Sunday, July 20, 2008

Accept if space allows

It is 10:40pm and I am watching “Chalk,” and wondering if I miss being a classroom teacher (or if it just sounds better than my current occupation), and if so, how I can infuse my college teaching with the things I miss from classroom teaching. I need to take some time to brainstorm about what those “things” are.
1. Activities that are fun and promote critical thinking
2. Relationship building with the kids
3. Laughter
4. Recess
5. Teaching the students something they answer, “Wow!” or “Woah!” to.
6. When they know you, hug you, and want to be near you.

In response to:
1. In order to have #1 occur, I need to make time to plan for my college teaching. Each class, when planned well should take about 2 hours to plan. That’s 8 hours. Plan for that time too.
2. In order to build relationships with the students, I need to a) have them over to my house to build community; b) advise; c) meet students for margaritas or dinner; d) spend more time in my office so as to be around.
3. I think I have this now. My students tell me that they think my class goes fast and that I am funny. Still, for me, I must stop letting my subconscious get to me.
4. Give myself a break (like I give the students).
5. PLAN better.
6. See #2.

So, what is doable for me? I don’t know. Right now, nothing feels doable other than watching “Deadliest Catch,” my current TV vice with my best buddy. Even the Baltic Sea sounds better than being a professor lately.


Beth said...

nice linkage... I loved Chalk, I know the guys who did the film - they live in my hood.

flyingantelope said...

I am new to your blog, and had to catch up on your life's happenings...and damn...I'm exhausted
I don't know how you do it
btw, an allotted time for laziness each day is actually productive