Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My mother came to visit!

We had a great time. She arrived last Thursday after a very short visit with Eric in League City. When she got here we immediately headed out to Pico de Gallo for dinner from which we both had margaritas, chalupas y una sopapilla. Yummie! After dinner and a drive around downtown, we headed home for TV and chatting. She fixed a dress for me and I graded. The next morning we ate Mexican sweetbreads and readied ourselves for lunch at the Guenther House. I adore the Guenther House. The area is manicured and the old home vibrant with flowers and history. It used to be the home of the Guenthers who owned the Pioneer Flower Mill. The mill is still producing flour. Mom had chicken salad and I a soup and salad and mango tea. Because the place closes at lunch, by 3pm we were practically the only ones there. It was nice to sit with her and talk, although now I am not exactly sure what we talked about! We then headed to my new apartment, Sunset Ridge. Sounds a bit like an old folks home but is where I will be residing in August. She loved it and said it looks a lot like my house now. I sure hope so as it feels really sad to leave my house! Then we came home to rest and get ready for dinner on the riverwalk at Casa Rio with Anita and her mom. Her mom, Esperanza, cares for an elderly mother and formerly owned a flower shop. I figured they would be perfect and they were! A margarita later and wonderful seats right next to the river, the heat has subsided and our table was full of food. Such fun, especially as we searched for Loretta who was also at the riverwalk but with her crazy family from Fort Worth. It was surely crazy family day! hee! After a wonderful meal, we were dropped off and slept so soundly. On Saturday mom and I went to the San Antonio Museum of Art which was having a Psychedelic Art Installation. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE pop art, art from the 1960's and those arts that energize a canvas. We walked through the building and I loved it! I was surprised to find out that my mom doesnt really have a favorite art genre. I thought everyone did and I certainly thought someone who is an artist would! She said she mostly liked portraits, but not in a certain style. Huh. After the museum and a brief stop at Wal-Mart (oh God yes, mom needed Wal-Mart even while away for only a week!), we were tired and mom said she wanted to stay home for dinner. I cooked chicken and veggies and graded while we watched TV. Calm and cool. The next morning Loretta stopped in on her way back to Austin and had coffee and toast which allowed mom to follow her to I35 and insure her journey to Dallas. So far, my mother's visit has been the big summer news. I just wish my grandma would have been able to come. She would have loved it too.