So, I must return to Vegas this summer...Must as in Bette is calling and I need to see her again. This time I am "dragging" my little brother, my best buddy Jody and my colleague Jackie. We are staying at Caesar's Palace and I got the rooms for $90 a night! I am truly a bargain shopper. Jackie is a pro at Vegas and usually travels with her husband, I just hope she tones down the money aspect as I know her husband David and he likes to spend! Jody loves to do whatever, and I just hope Eric doesn't wake up too flipping early. I think I am going to surprise Eric with a fishing lesson and golf one morning. They give free fishing lessons at the Bass Pro Shop in Vegas and there are some beautiful golf courses. I downloaded a coupon for free club rental and breakfast at one that looks gorgeous. We will fly out the 21st of June and back on the 25th. I hope to see Bette twice. I hope someone will go with me at least one time. Jody will, she is fabulous like that. Last time I didn't research anything, but this time, we will have a full schedule. With Eric coming, that is a must.
Tomorrow is the first official day "off," but of course I will do some writing and reading. Still, I have to take my neighbors cat at 8am to get spayed (she is 80 and doesnt have a car), meet Jackie back at my house at 9, then a doctor's appointment at 11. Then, the reading and writing I was talking about. I must get ready to work with the girls on a blog article and I need to hit the bookclub paper reviews again.
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