So, I have this idea that my dog, aka Mitzie Mouse, misses me when I am gone. I mean, why wouldn't I get that idea? She looks so forlorn when I leave, tail down, eyes away (I'd almost swear there were tears every damn time!) and when I return, she runs in circles, eyes alight, and tail wagging gleefully. However, today I have been home all day, working on AERA proposals. And where, might you ask, has the Mouser been? Laying next to my feet? No. Laying under the desk? No. In her bed which was brought into the office specially for her? No. Out in the living room on pallet? Yes. Who is the crazy one? I think it might be me.
If it was, I would claim it is because of the American Educational Research Association. Those 100 page abstracts and proposals and SIG's and Divisions. I mean am I division G, section 1 or maybe section 7? Does it go in a division or should I go for a SIG. It takes at least an hour to just plain submit the silly thing! Then I have to wait to hear if I was "chosen." I think that this notion of being "chosen" or "rejected" is not good for my wanning interest in professorhood. I mean, who wants to be constantly rejected? So, for me, my favorite data (my dissertation data) keeps being rejected. They say it isn't literacy enough, that the children couldn't have said the quotes I used (Are they saying I am a lier?), and that my notions of reading are not as good as theirs. Still, they accept other piddly things I work on just because they like the idea, literacy related or not. For example, a colleague and I co-taught a literacy methods class last Spring. There was not a thing literacy related to the proposal we submitted to NRC (National Reading Conference) other than the fact that the class was a reading methods course. But, they said they liked the idea of co-teaching, it was novel, and it got an acceptance. Fuckers.
So, today I have finished uploading and am about to go to dinner with a frenemy. You know, the kind you continue to see only rarely and every time you do, you remember why it was that you weren't seeing them? Then there is a hiatus and over time you forget again?
interesting picture...does this go with "Frenemies" or the whole reject/accept thing?
interesting question. I hadn't though about it being an accept/reject thing...I was thinking about the frenemies. But hey, maybe it is about both.
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