Why are old people disposed of, cast away, let to rot? My grandparents, whom I love dearly, have family that live a mere 3 miles away. One drives past their house daily on the way to work. Yet, they have no one who is able to help. When I come in, I am responsible for everything-figure out the checkbook, the payments, what is happening at the house, clean this, grandpa that. Everything is a phone call, numerous phone calls, wait time, birth dates, pensions, social security...on and on. I have had to work on my grandpa's legs which have skin peeling off, boils, and other ouchies. Put lotion and chisel (yes, chisel) off the dry skin and other dead areas. My mom asked if I wanted to go eat Mexican food when I got home. Uh, no. So, that is where I have been this week, in Carrollton, being the best granddaughter that they have close-by-or at least trying.
I have 4 classes starting on Thursday that I have planned nothing for. I dont know what I will do. I spent last night from about 7-midnight at a coffee shop working, but only got a proposal out for the International Conference on Learning. I need to go to Barcelona, don't you all think?
So, to all of you who wonder where I am because I am not answering the phone...I am alive, just overworked and unable to think about talking on the phone for even one short call. I will be in touch.
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