The National Reading Panel (1999) describes vocabulary instruction as one of the pillars of an effective reading program. so, I wonder, why is it that we call the week schools let out a Spring Break? I mean, it isnt a break. Break is a misnomer. It is a word that should be reserved for only students who are in the early years. For all school personnel, it is NOT a break! Instead, it is a week to which more gets piled on and one is left to conteplate how they will get it done for which they feel guilty when they don't work, but want a break. It is, for those like me, the time when employers attempt to see which teachers can manage their own time wisely and therefore catch up. What a crock of shit. Spring Break.
So, I am up in Dallas now. I drove in this afternoon from Austin. I spent almost the entire drive talking to my best buddy Jody in LA. Can you imagine a 3 hour phone call? I must admit I hate the phone and I spent the entire journey with it pressed to my ear. You know it's bad when you start changing hands because you arm is tired! I do love hearing all about her crazy life in LA. Just in the last few months there has been a roommate who is crazy (even knocked all of her own teeth out), jail time, a new car, a new boyfriend, a house fire, her sister's pregnancy, her grandfather's first date....the list goes on. I swear it is so entertaining.
Now I am here and my mother is "watching her shows." I guess she has line ups for every day of the week. She is addicted to TV. Tonights agenda was a 2 hour Dancing with the Stars (who I might add arent big stars). Two hours of any show is too much for me. Plus, my tastes are much more inthe line of Intervention and Law & Order. But anyway, the Carrollton home has gotten high speed internet/ No more dial up! So, in the least I can get online now. Did you know that when you call about dial up (which she had until about a week ago) the technical service doesnt even know how to help? It is so antiquated! I am glad she has updated, to say the least.
Zoey has become a little fatty girl. According to Aunt Loretta's baby scale (used for her 7 pound cat), she is up to a wopping 18.75 pounds. I think everybody, other than Mitzie, will be on a diet soon: Cita, me, and Zoey. She was so good today though. Not only did she sleep the entire 4 hours here, but we went to an elementary school field and played ball without her leash and she stayed around me, not running anywhere. So good.
Now, I am going to go get something to drink and settle in to do some work.I must get on my students' blogs soon. I think I will tomorrow. (wink). I also will be handling grandparent stuff.
1 comment:
Dr. Wilson,
The same goes here at my house. Spring Break how? I have tons of catching up on little things and here it is Friday and I only managed a few of them. Oh well, it's back to work on Monday and back to classes. What didn't get done will get done soon. Back to my schedule: work, school, sleep, work, school, sleep..... Well I hope that you enjoyed some of your trip because damm I did not get out of San Antonio and I really wanted to do something and the week is gone.
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