Las Vegas: I have wanted to go for months. There was a plan to go with 3 of my bestest friends over the new year. I was so elated to have those I enjoy the most planning to come with me to a new place, where my most favorite icon, Bette Midler was/is playing at Caesar's Palace. New Years at such a fun place? Priceless. We didnt go. The tickets were bought and the humms...began. So, we canceled and Bette sang on without us. Now, after many months we are planning to go again. But the "Christmas Presents" promised in Bette memorabilia have lapsed and one friend has bailed. I am left with the other two who have rather differing ideas of travel. One, high end luxury. One, low end tent life. Me? I just want to see Bette Midler. I want to stay at the hotel where she lives in hopes, that she will walk by as we sip cocktails. Yes, I know there is only a .001% chance of seeing her there, but there is a chance. I have a feeling that the chances at the Motel 6 Las Vegas are less, as is true of the fancy Luxor. We surely can't afford Caesar's, so who cares? So, fuck it all. This month is crazy with travel, to the point of it almost not feeling fun. This weekend, a conference on Friday, Saturday and then to Austin for one night. Back to SA. Then next weekend, Vegas. Back to San Antonio Monday at 1:30am. Then, the following weekend, San Diego for another conference. Too much. How can travel, one of my most favorite thing, sound so not fun?
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