This year all of the proposals I sent out, were accepted:
Kappa Delta Pi
That is a lot of work! Should a professor hold off on some proposals and only do one or two? It is hard to know which one or two to choose. I really need to stop. I want to write, not propose. So, now how about only AERA, CRA, and KDP (CRA is Jackie's favorite, AERA is mine, and PDK was already accepted)?
Alas, away from work and school and its in-separatable-ness, Loretta and her cat Clarice were here for the week. It is weird to have someone in your abode when no one is normally here! For example, on Tuesday I awoke and went to the living room to eat oatmeal before work. Looking at the clock on the mantle, I added an hour, knowing that I had not reset the clocks in the house when the time changed the weekend before. I thought to myself, "Self, you sure got up earlier than you thought!" I know you know where this is going. I was an hour late getting to work because my dear housemate had changed it. It was so nice to have her here though. I think I should get a 1950 era wife-someone to take care of the kids (Cita, Mitzie, and Baby Zoey), make dinner when I get home at 10, and bring in a second salary. I think it is harder to find a man that does it (although I know there are some). It is perhaps easier to find a wife. Im sure that is a bad thing to say being that I am straight and single.
This weekend I wrote my paper for AERA, graded, emailed students, watched too many episodes of the addictive America's Next Top Model, and went shopping at the mall. Now, it is back to work. Boy, weekends, while fun, have a way of disappearing on ya.
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