Guidance from others is such an important part of knowing what you want to be, inhabiting the space between passion and aptitude wherein our full potential resides. Or, so I think. I believe that having someone to guide us, to give us aid when we need it most is vastly important for it is often that they see something in us that we ourselves do not see. Good mentors raise a person's self-esteem, make them feel that they are worthy and wanted, smart and able. Or, at least good mentors do that. They recognize what nurturing could do for a person, seeing a light inside that reminds them of someone successful, something more than is there now, can tell that with nurturing something spectacular would blossom. They fan the flames of interest into a genuine passion--I see it as exalted work.
So, according to Ken, there are four roles of mentors: 1) recognition-Mentors must recognize a spark and fan it to flame; 2) encouragement-Mentors believe we can do things that might seem impossible without them. They dont let someone succumb to self-doubt for too long and guide our hand, pushing and pulling as is needed; 3) facilitating-Mentors provide strategies and advice and even paving he way for us; 4) stretching-Effective mentors dont allow us to sit idle, to be less than we can be and are able to remind us that we are put on this Earth to push boundries, our own and others'.
Effective mentors are able to push and pull, nudge and remind, find power within us which helps to fuel their power as well. These people inspire us and lead us to marvel at what we have done. They share in our successes as if their own. They open our eyes to possibilities that inspire us. They drive us to follow their examples, moving us to take on roles and then supporting us in our pursuit of the goals. Mentors show us the next steps and help us to take them. While I imagine myself to be a mentor of others, most specifically the preservice teachers I work with , I wonder if I realize the power I have to inspire them or to deny them helpful signposts to success. Do I even know what it means to be successful? What does it mean to be successful anyway? Where is my mentor at this stage in my life? Do I have one?
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