My grandma was taken to the emergency room on Friday night. She was having a headache so severe that she couldnt get dressed. Two days before that, while at the doctor, her blood pressure was 217/120 (or something close to that). Im sure the headache was due to the blood pressure, but the emergency room didnt do anything much, so her and my mother drive home. The headache was gone after some pain medicine. Today, the headache was back in full force. No one knows exactly what to do. 1. The emergency room sent her home; 2. The doctor at the clinic two days before sent her home; and 3. She doesnt want to go back. All of this is to say that I dont think I can take losing another grandparent right now. I am not done grieving my grandpa. I don't think it is fair that once one grandparent dies, the other isnt short behind. My other set of grandparents died close together too. I wasnt close to them however. I dont think I can take something being wrong with grandma too. Luckily, she is okay right now.
Why is it that the very things we love have to leave us? I think it is cruel.
I can't sleep.
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