1. Ash tree: Gorgeous tree in the front yard, completely dead Huge pieces fell. Hazardous. Taken Down. Price: $550
2. Zoey: Reversed Sneezing and Asthma. Emergency vet. X-Rays. Outcome? Benedryl. Picture above is her at the emergency vet. Price: $328.00,
3. Electric, Mortgage, School Loans, Medical debt, Phone, Water, Security System, Cable, Food, sundry: $3,000
4. Gas. To Dallas, back; to Austin, back; to Dallas, back. To Work. To Work, To Work etc. $200
Guess I just found it.
So far this summer has well, sucked. Ive worked and worked and have about nothing to show for it except back pain and complete exhaustion. No human should teach 4 classes, several with 35 students in them and try to breathe. Now, due to #1 and #2, I am stuck here in San Antonio for my two weeks off. I wanted to go visit my best friend Jody in LA, but it is simply too expensive to go and spend any money. I was hoping to use my free ticket but I cant seem to get the dates to work out. Plus Jody is packing it all up and going to Europe for a couple months. I wish I could so bad! So, here I am. How can I make more money and not have more money? I am so bummed.
Today it really sank in. One income just doesnt cut it. Not with a house, 3 girls, myself, and an old car. Today I met Loretta halfway for dinner and shopping at the outlets. I know that sounds bad, but it was for her. She is in serious need of new clothing. So in and out we went. Snails pace, she shopped and I walked around too. I was finished way before her (always am) and took it upon myself to walk into the Coach Purse Store. You see for almost a year I have been coveting this purple, patent leather purse I saw in a magazine. So, I have a checked a few times online to see if I could find it cheaper (It is full priced at almost $600.). No, I have never paid that for a purse, nor would I. That is why I was looking everywhere for it cheaper. So today, a full year after I started and gave up hope, I found it. Like a beacon it sat in the store, already 50% off, and then an additional 10%. Gorgeous. The picture is above. Priceless find.
I had to walk away. I felt a lump in my throat, not because I found it, but because I simply dont have the money to buy it, dont know anyone who would for me (I need a rich boyfriend, parents, or friends), and I had to try it on. Look at it in the mirror on my shoulder and realize that I make good money and cant buy a damn purse that I have wanted for ages because it is expensive and I am poor. How can that be?
you could have bought the purse -but you chose to be a good steward of your resources. You have decided that you value your family (both human and pet) more than a fabulous purse. I think you have chosen well.
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