is coming in August. Finally. I've worked year-round for years, school, teaching, school, teaching. Now, I will have August. I wanted to go somewhere. First there were grandiose ideas of Spain. Then there was Vegas again and then Chicago. Now, after realizing my finances, I am wondering if I will get to go anywhere.
My grandma will spend her first night alone in the house. My aunt and uncle left at 4am. She cried on the phone today saying nothing really mattered anymore and that she now thinks that him going into the rehabilitation center which was like a nursing home made him give up. Poor gma. I so hope that some of the Sweet Adelines step up like they said they were going to and call and stop by. Oh please!
On Monday when I returned from Dallas my whole walkway was covered by a tree which fell while I was gone. About half of a huge lovely tree from the left side of my home died and fell down. More death. The tree is dying and I need to either get an arborist out here to see what it has and try to fix it (about 300$) or cut it down and out for 500$. There was supposed to be enough money to live in this house, but due to its other needs, it is not going well. Vacations might be curtailed.
Also sad, my neighbor's cat, Quita, who I got fixed about 3 months ago, was hit by a car yesterday. Her older cat died 2 days before that. I took off running when she called me thinking that because she is on social security, she wouldnt take her to the emergency vet. I would though. It was too late. After staying with her for several hours, I remembered that the door was unlocked. Luckily Zoey was sitting on the stoop and had not run away. Good dog but sad for Miss Eva. More death.
Definitely on a more happy note, my good friend and former principal, Dora, came by to visit. We chatted and had lunch at La Fogata. Then, Macy's and some shopping. It was so lovely to see her. I wish she lived closer than Austin. I know we would write together!
So, that's about it for now.
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