I just got in from a crazy, last minute (as in I left with my friend Shelley yesterday at 8am), trip to Vegas to see Bette Midler last night. It is weird to think that one can fly across multiple states and return in but a few hours. So, on Saturday at 3pm, I heard word that a trip to Vegas was occurring (with or without me) and I was to be ready to leave from Austin Sunday morning. I had 30 minutes to pack and head to Austin before a meeting with Diane over an article whose revisions are due in a couple days. I got in from spending the evening writing and then the play Annie with Diane (which was cute, splendid, and had a real Sandy!), around midnight. By the time Loretta and I went to bed, it was about 1 and I was up and headed to the airport by 6:00am. Shelley arrived before me, around 8am. I got in about 10:45am. Shelley rented a car (why, I am still not sure), but was there to pick me up which was totally cool. After almost being killed by Shelley's driving, we arrived at Bally's (where we were staying) and checked in. The room was nice and clean, but we both were too excited to sit still although exhaustion was afoot. We walked The Strip until I got a call from a girl who was selling her Bette Midler tickets on craigslist. We got $1000.00 ($500 x 2), for $300, literally meeting the people in their car right off the strip in a drive by. After walking forever we sat at Serendipity's for Frozen Hot Chocolate (I have found heaven) and I only had a couple sips! They also had a Divine Miss M Sunday (complete with pineapple) in honor of her 100th show. It was a one day thing and the Caesar Salad girls just happened to be there in costume! As the need for a nap hit hard, we headed back to Bally's and napped for...well, Id say I slept for 15 minutes. Shelley laid around a bit longer. I couldn't...It was only 2 hours to Bette! So, I left Shelley there to sleep and meet me at the Colosseum at Caesar's Palace. She was L-A-T-E! Because she insisted on driving, she almost missed the start of the show! I abandoned the wait for her and left her ticket at will call. She made it right before the show started. The Show? DIVINE. SIMPLY DIVINE. I loved every minute of it, especially because I got to see it through Shelley's eyes, who didn't really "know Bette Midler" or think she would like her. Even Shelley was impressed. She loved it. The sweetest thing? She indulged me in my stalker tendencies and we waited outside the entrance for at least an hour. No sign of Bette. Maybe in August? We left Bette and headed to a bar called Minus 5 housed in the Mandalay Bay. It is a bar made completely out of ice. The cups, the seating, the walls, everything. When you go in they give you a coat, boots, and mittens. It was cool (pun intended)! We crawled into bed late. I hopped up at 8:30am to attempt to get the stupid rental car to the lot at the Bellagio by 9. I drove like a bat outta hell and made it the one mile on the Strip. If you've seen it, you know that is a feat. When I arrived back to our room, Shelley was up, showered and dressed..that the hell? She was refusing to take the car back when I left. I figured she would be lazy and I would have time to get a shower. No luck. I packed, ponytailed the hair and we went to Paris for breakfast. I had Vegetable soup, she had a croissant filled with yumminess. I hate diets. More walking, only the other way, pictures, fancy stores, and laughs. Such fun. Airport and home. Woosh.
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