I havent blogged in awhile so I guess I better get you all caught up. I am sitting on an airplane to Austin from Orlando where I was attending (and presenting) at NRC (National Reading Conference). It was a strange conference this year as the hotel called for everyone to be out in these buildings, far away from the general area, and seemingly separated from each other…they called it “resort style.” What it meant though was that I didn’t see those that I normally do. I saw some, missed others, and had a general productive time. I am thinking now of all the pieces of writing I need to get done, to work on, to begin the arduous process of publishing somewhere.
1. My Dissertation, 2. Kathy Griffin Commentary, 3. Co-Teaching Commentary, 3. BookClub Article, 4. Professor Identity Piece, 5. My DeSoto BookClub piece, 6. Romanian Piece, 7. Co-Teaching Article, 8. Blogging Article, 9. Dowli’s Story, and 10. Learning to Read the Academy: What I have learned Article…there are more, I know. But sheesh, I don’t even like to write, much less be judged on its effectiveness! But, I digress.
I spent Thanksgiving with Loretta, eating yummy foods prepared by my personal chef. It was scrumptious. For the holidays, I am sticking around my house as much as possible. Im going to try to catch up on my work and enjoy some quiet time with my animals. As of now, Diane is coming to San Antonio on the 19th and I will head to Dallas on the 21st. I will stay there till Christmas Eve and then come back down to Austin. Ill spend Christmas with Loretta I suppose and then head home to SA where I will be until December 29th when I head to Las Vegas to see the Divine Miss M at Caesar’s Palace. Loretta, Jody, and Karen are all coming too. I just can’t wait! I want money from all my friends to buy stuff at the Bette shop there. I just know it will be expensive. Contributions can be sent directly to me: cash, checks and money orders accepted.
Zoey is growing up. She is cute as a button, sleeps on my bed, loves shoes like her mom (although I don’t normally eat them), and adores the cat. Carmencita hates Zoey, loves food, and purrs like a motorboat. Mouser dog is a tired little pupper, sleeps a lot, but has the most soulful and loving eyes. She is my baby dog. You all will see them this year on my Christmas card.
So, hidey ho neighbors, I am still around!
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