So, Im not so good at staying put for the end of the semester...You can't keep a good teacher down. So, after hearing about my "sickness" I stayed in bed Friday night, and Saturday...well, until I went to Austin for the Trail of Lights 5K with Jackie, David and her boys. Then, Sunday, was graduation. So, of course, I had to go to that. Then last night I worked on grades until about 3am because they were due at 9am but the MA students had their final due to me at midnight. Today I worked all day on these comprehensive binders (from 10-6pm). So, there is no rest for the weary. Who cares anyway if there is no couch? It feels so open and weird in the living room and I dont like it. Tomorrow's agenda includes getting a new license. Can you believe I didnt know until NRC 2 weeks ago that mine expired on my birthday? I only knew then because they asked about it at the airport. Im such a dumb ass sometimes. So, I simply have to go do that tomorrow, which is actually hard because I never can pass the eye test and have to get a note from my doctor and all sorts of goofy things.
Oh yes, the big news. Jody is outta the big house. Yep, you guys heard me. My best buddy, the one with 2 degrees from a premiere university, was held in custody for 3 days for assault and battery when she didnt really even do it. She says it is a horrible, inhuman place and that if she ever has to go back, give her the death penalty. Scary huh? Now, the trip to Vegas looks like it is off as they set her court date for Dec. 31st. I am so let down as I have been waiting to go see Bette there for over a year, much less the fact that it was to be on New Years Eve. I cannot tell you how low I am. No Bette, no real Christmas. Bummer.
My wonderful friend. I just read your blog. I know we're not in class anymore, but I felt like I should blog.... it's actually stress relieving to blog. I KNOW, I should have done it alot more during class... BUT I feel if there's noone to talk too, ALL my friends are really busy with hoilidays, then I can blog. Anyhow, I have a story to tell you, that is right at the level of you missing Bette Medler, right , that's who you said you we're going to go see? My story pissed me off so BAD, that I almost committed a crime, like well... no. I wouldn't because KARMA is a bitch.
I am really sorry about your friend can't you guys just change your plane tickets time. I've done before for people. I know how much you love Bette. So I am sorry for your loss. I also hope your friend is okay. Talk to you soon.
It is a heart break. I feel like I have lost the chance at a wonderful night.
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