tour of the metro areas in a few hours...Austin, Dallas, Houston, and lastly, San Antonio. Love to everyone and of course, Merry Christmas. May peace be unto us all.
Monday, December 22, 2008
To Do
The academic life things that must be finished before the holiday ends:
1) Kathy Griffin Commentary-sent to Experiential Education
2) Co-Teaching Article-sent to NRC
3) 4304 Binder and syllabus
4) 5314 syllabus
5) Book Club Article-sent to technology
6) WebCT up
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Jody's Brilliance: Part I

She says,"At one point I thought I might get my teaching credential. But then, I came to my senses."
So I ask, "Why do you think you wouldnt be a good teacher?" She says, "No patience, awkward around kids, hate flouresent lights, school lunches suck, I cant get up early, dont like having a schedule, hate anything regimented, dont like the sweaters with little embroidered critters on them, children are yucky... yeah, I prolly shouldnt do it."
I just love her.
Have you ever felt like this wasnt the life you were supposed to have? In that thought, is it you that thinks it isnt the right life, but it is or is it that in your freewill you created a life that you werent supposed to have? Or is it that you have exactly the life you are supposed to lead, and if it is a certain way, it is supposed to be that way? Is it all my fault?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dumb Ass Days...

So, Im not so good at staying put for the end of the semester...You can't keep a good teacher down. So, after hearing about my "sickness" I stayed in bed Friday night, and Saturday...well, until I went to Austin for the Trail of Lights 5K with Jackie, David and her boys. Then, Sunday, was graduation. So, of course, I had to go to that. Then last night I worked on grades until about 3am because they were due at 9am but the MA students had their final due to me at midnight. Today I worked all day on these comprehensive binders (from 10-6pm). So, there is no rest for the weary. Who cares anyway if there is no couch? It feels so open and weird in the living room and I dont like it. Tomorrow's agenda includes getting a new license. Can you believe I didnt know until NRC 2 weeks ago that mine expired on my birthday? I only knew then because they asked about it at the airport. Im such a dumb ass sometimes. So, I simply have to go do that tomorrow, which is actually hard because I never can pass the eye test and have to get a note from my doctor and all sorts of goofy things.
Oh yes, the big news. Jody is outta the big house. Yep, you guys heard me. My best buddy, the one with 2 degrees from a premiere university, was held in custody for 3 days for assault and battery when she didnt really even do it. She says it is a horrible, inhuman place and that if she ever has to go back, give her the death penalty. Scary huh? Now, the trip to Vegas looks like it is off as they set her court date for Dec. 31st. I am so let down as I have been waiting to go see Bette there for over a year, much less the fact that it was to be on New Years Eve. I cannot tell you how low I am. No Bette, no real Christmas. Bummer.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I have "walking" pneumonia...
and have been in bed all day. I think that is a stupid title for a sickness. Ive had it for 3 weeks and duh, am walking...SOME of us have to work. Here is what the others do...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Facebook & Faces near Books
You know, I have decided I hate facebook. It is a voyeuristic place where one accepts pseduo-friends in order to peek in their window and see what they are doing now. I mean, seriously, I wasnt friends with some of these people when I was in High School. I knew OF them, they knew OF me, but it is just the fact that you want to see what is going on. I am not accepting applications for facebook friendship. Wanna be my friend? Come have lunch, dont send me a snowball, a candy cane, or any other dumb icon. Take me to see one.
Faces Near Books (People I Work With):
I hate playing games that you dont have to play. There is no reason to hurt others or stomp their psyche. A student said to me, "Dr. Wilson, I have this student that hits another kid and then says he is sorry. But he isnt really sorry, but he says he is." That is the tag line for work. The faces near books say they want to a) play together nicely, b)make the workplace have an enticing atmosphere, c) collaborate for the common good. They want the Preamble. BUT, what they do is run a race, playing as if only one can make it, one can win. They engage in the zero-sum game, as if there is only enough for one, that there will not be enough for everyone. Then, it seems as if they look back and are mad everyone else was running too...that they are "sorry" and wish us well. Fuck that. I want work friends. I need them. So, how does one have friends, not engage in the race yet know that some have creating a race. Still, I must exist in a workplace that feigns its "sorry."
You know, I have decided I hate facebook. It is a voyeuristic place where one accepts pseduo-friends in order to peek in their window and see what they are doing now. I mean, seriously, I wasnt friends with some of these people when I was in High School. I knew OF them, they knew OF me, but it is just the fact that you want to see what is going on. I am not accepting applications for facebook friendship. Wanna be my friend? Come have lunch, dont send me a snowball, a candy cane, or any other dumb icon. Take me to see one.
Faces Near Books (People I Work With):
I hate playing games that you dont have to play. There is no reason to hurt others or stomp their psyche. A student said to me, "Dr. Wilson, I have this student that hits another kid and then says he is sorry. But he isnt really sorry, but he says he is." That is the tag line for work. The faces near books say they want to a) play together nicely, b)make the workplace have an enticing atmosphere, c) collaborate for the common good. They want the Preamble. BUT, what they do is run a race, playing as if only one can make it, one can win. They engage in the zero-sum game, as if there is only enough for one, that there will not be enough for everyone. Then, it seems as if they look back and are mad everyone else was running too...that they are "sorry" and wish us well. Fuck that. I want work friends. I need them. So, how does one have friends, not engage in the race yet know that some have creating a race. Still, I must exist in a workplace that feigns its "sorry."
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Hollah Daze
I havent blogged in awhile so I guess I better get you all caught up. I am sitting on an airplane to Austin from Orlando where I was attending (and presenting) at NRC (National Reading Conference). It was a strange conference this year as the hotel called for everyone to be out in these buildings, far away from the general area, and seemingly separated from each other…they called it “resort style.” What it meant though was that I didn’t see those that I normally do. I saw some, missed others, and had a general productive time. I am thinking now of all the pieces of writing I need to get done, to work on, to begin the arduous process of publishing somewhere.
1. My Dissertation, 2. Kathy Griffin Commentary, 3. Co-Teaching Commentary, 3. BookClub Article, 4. Professor Identity Piece, 5. My DeSoto BookClub piece, 6. Romanian Piece, 7. Co-Teaching Article, 8. Blogging Article, 9. Dowli’s Story, and 10. Learning to Read the Academy: What I have learned Article…there are more, I know. But sheesh, I don’t even like to write, much less be judged on its effectiveness! But, I digress.
I spent Thanksgiving with Loretta, eating yummy foods prepared by my personal chef. It was scrumptious. For the holidays, I am sticking around my house as much as possible. Im going to try to catch up on my work and enjoy some quiet time with my animals. As of now, Diane is coming to San Antonio on the 19th and I will head to Dallas on the 21st. I will stay there till Christmas Eve and then come back down to Austin. Ill spend Christmas with Loretta I suppose and then head home to SA where I will be until December 29th when I head to Las Vegas to see the Divine Miss M at Caesar’s Palace. Loretta, Jody, and Karen are all coming too. I just can’t wait! I want money from all my friends to buy stuff at the Bette shop there. I just know it will be expensive. Contributions can be sent directly to me: cash, checks and money orders accepted.
Zoey is growing up. She is cute as a button, sleeps on my bed, loves shoes like her mom (although I don’t normally eat them), and adores the cat. Carmencita hates Zoey, loves food, and purrs like a motorboat. Mouser dog is a tired little pupper, sleeps a lot, but has the most soulful and loving eyes. She is my baby dog. You all will see them this year on my Christmas card.
So, hidey ho neighbors, I am still around!
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