Saturday, June 8, 2013

Liberia Bound and Determined

Kathy and I will be heading back to Liberia in one week. Although we have changed organizations, our focus is the same - to help Liberian teachers become better literacy teachers. We will be working at a school in Massaquoi Village. This school has a library with reading books for grades 1-5. We will be training the teachers in using small group instruction in their classes and how to use books to teach literacy. We will also be working at a school in Kokoyah in Bong County. Since they do not have any books, we will be bringing some books to them in order to give their teachers the same training. We have never been up to Bong County before so this will be a new adventure traveling into the interior of Liberia. If you would like to donate to our work, just go to ( and click the DONATE button on the right. It will take you to the home page of Liberia Education Project. All donations are tax deductible and if you say my name or Kathy's then it will go directly to our work with the Liberian schools. Please think about helping, especially those of you teachers out there!

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