We are back to our clean selves after a much needed shower and air conditioned sleep. Tomorrow we head to LEP's school and are so excited to meet all the wonderful teachers. Just getting a chance to begin a relationship and learn about the community is a blessing!
Before I finish this post I want to tell you a bit about Massaquoi Village Community School. They are a non-governmental school meaning that the government gives no funding and because they are in the bush, the nearest school is Ricks Institute (a VERY expensive private school) so most of their community children had never attended school. While a Christian school, their teachers have been volunteer for the past 5 years and their building is made of cane and tarps. Teachers have 100% daily attendance and Kathy and I gave them a small library when they attended our trainings last year. Out of the 7 schools we worked with they are the only school that have attended every training (even though they come the furthest and have very little) and that are actively using their library to teach. We saw that for ourselves this trip as we worked in their village. The need is high there but the motivation is just as high. I am including the picture of the school and also one of Kathy (left) and myself (right) serving lunch to the teachers and children who came to allow our teachers to practice their skills and receive feedback, all for $20 a day. Also important to note is that the first day the principal served (a woman!), the second day we served, and the third, the men served! While that sounds antiquated to think that the men wouldn't serve, Liberia (and Africa) is still learning about equal rights for women and men and thus, it is a huge deal not only to see, but for Lucia, the principal who was speechless. Truthfully, we all were as the pastor said, "We are all together in this, everyone is human, everyone must serve." it was truly a moment! So tomorrow we will leave for GhenWein and meet Enoch, Sarah (who we met when we went to see Green Pastures School) and Lydia. Such adventures are in store and we are both feeling that this trip is divinely inspired.