I went to TWO parties this Saturday and had the best time.
Party #1 was a guy I had never met, but was set up with through his mother. She met me whilst I was buying a chair from her off craigslist. She stood in the parking lot where we met to exchange money for chair and invited me to the birthday/graduation party of her son. Weird I know! Because I had his email from the responses about the chair, I emailed him to check the water about attending. We've been emailing for 2 weeks. Of course, now, after the party, I am waiting to hear from him...But Anita and I went to the shindig and had fun drinking bear and talking to his friends and family. I thought it might feel weird, but actually it was quite fine. I think he is cute!
Party#2 was an invite through my gynocologist. I know. I am just trying to be more open so a man kind fall into my life! So, in that I received this party invitation. When I told a San Antonio native friend of mne about it, she was impressed. Evidently these are special invites to a special elitist party put on by the fabulous of San Antonio. It was awesome. Out on a ranch in south San, it was a-light with lights when we walked up at about 9. I had come home from my first party and changed for a black-tie affair and switched dates. This time Loretta came. Decked in our finest, we danced, drank and watched the people party on. Of course, this new found doctor of mine kept asking if I had, "found my new husband," but still it was completely a blast. I think he is Lebanese or maybe Armenian so the food was strange and wonderful (about 15 birds(turkeys and chickens) on platters of lettuce). But the most fun was watching the belly dancers come in and take the dancing stage. The home was like a palace, huge ceilings and massive. We danced and had a fun time. A student saw me and came over. HE asked, "Dr. Wilson? How did you get in here?" Loretta and I were one of maybe 6 White people. I said I knew people in high places. He smiled. I guess his wife works for the Doctor. It was such fun and beautiful and great.
Most of all, I am proud of myself that I went. I was SO exhausted. It is tiring to go to parties where you know no one and have to forge alliances. I had to do it twice! and in heels!
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