and received an offer to make some, which is wonderful and stupendous. It is the making it that is so hard. On Fridays I am working at an elementary school in Austin. Yes, I said Austin and yes, I live in San Antonio. The problem is that elementary school starts at the butt crack of dawn! So, for me to drop off the girls at daycare in Austin (so they arent left at home for 12 hours), and make it to the school by 7:45am, I get up at 4:15am. This is especially hard because I get home on Thursdays around 9 and because I always work nights, I cannot fall asleep before midnight/1am. I try and try!
The other issue has been finding time to prepare for Fridays. Meaning that M-W I am working to prepare for M-Th. So it isn't until Thursday night (or the weekend) that I have time to finish getting ready for Dora. If the weekend is grading, revising thesis, reading for M-Th., I am doomed!
Also hard is that because we have classes Monday-Thursday, Fridays are meeting days. So, I am constantly missing meetings and not knowing what is going on (even though I "get notes").
So, all week I am running and preparing for the 5 classes I teach, handling fires, graduate students, faculty issues, my lonely doggies, my house, myself and then, I must run to Austin. Don't get me wrong, I have learned so much while doing this new little job. The data analysis was so eye-opening, and working in the classrooms has been wonderful, but I am so tired. My bones want to lay in bed and sleep. Next week, I teach through Wednesday, then head to Indiana for the Phi Delta Kappa Summit on Literacy Education and return on Sunday, to begin it all again Monday. I know this busy-ness is nothing new, just tiring and I like it so much. Im setting the alarm right now for 4:15am.
Wish me luck!
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