Another trip out to California (this time San Diego) to attend AERA. I flew from Austin because Aunt Loretta is there and can keep both puppers. The plane was delayed an hour there and then 2 in Phoenix. The Phoenix wait wasnt as bad though as Jackie had flown from San Antonio and met me there for the second leg of the trip. I enjoy her more the longer I know her. She is up for things and outgoing, once you get her out of the work place. So, nothing much to report in regards to the conference. My personal dissertation session went terribly as the powerpoint wouldn't work, but the co-teaching session went well. My discussant gig was good but hard as the one I was reviewing was from an Ivy league school and her paper was yucky. Yes, that is the technical, high-brow word. The sessions, other than mine, for the most part were good. I love hearing about studies looking at motivation and emotions and their impact on learning and this is the only conference for that! The sessions that bug me are those about ELL (English Language Learners). I went to a couple and it seems they just talk and talk about what is wrong and how marginalizing school, testing, and life is for these special multilingual folk. I get it, but now what? I was actually in a discussion in which a professor from the University of Cincinnati said the only way to combat the ignorance is a revolution like happened with African Americans. All I wanted to do was remind her that segregation is still as rampant as it was in the 1960's during Brown v. Board of Education. African Americans don't have it good, better, perhaps, but not good. Test scores can be predicted by zip code calls foul ball to me, and I certainly don't think we can wait for a revolution...but alas, researchers like to research. I think I am a teacher at heart, more than a researcher. Almost everyday I think about going back into the classroom, the elementary classroom. Is that a sign?
Jody came down from LA on Wednesday and after sessions, we met up with her and drove to La Jolla. So gorgeous. It was cool and crisp outside and the water WAY to cold for swimming, but simply beautiful. We ate at an amazing restaurant overlooking the cliffs. I laughed and chatted incessantly with Jackie and Jody. Back to the hotel for drinking and TV, then out to a bar. The next day, we blew off morning sessions and went to Balboa Park. So serene, museum filled, and fun. Jody left us there and headed back to LA for work. We then went to the zoo, which from here on out I boycott. I know, I know, add it to my list. I had remembered this zoo as the prettiest one I had been to. I know why. The walkways are hilly and covered with the people get a glorious walk. The animals look miserable and are confined in desert terrain looking cages. Although I loved the Polar Bears and the signs told me they "loved San Diego" and were "used to the warm weather as the tundra also has a hot season," I couldn't help but see the plea in their eyes as they made circles throughout their pen. Nope, done with Wal-Mart, Kentucky Fried Chicken, circuses, and zoos. I am sure PETA gets happier with me as the list grows. We walked from the zoo back to the hotel, straight through Petco Park, where the Padres play. It is a public park and open for everyone during the day. People were there with their dogs and loved ones. I think all stadiums should be that way, especially the big, nice, green ones! It reminded me of season tickets behind the digout for Ranger games with my dad. After our long walk, we went to a session and then dinner at an Indian restaurant with Diane and Patricia Alexander, both of whom I admire. We walked Seaport village after sessions in the morning and ate on the boardwalk with my friend Sunny from Korea. Then sessions, again, and an airplane ride back to Austin. I spent the night at Loretta's and got home this afternoon. Tomorrow will be busy with school work as I have tests to grade, rubrics to write, and final exams to make.
For sure, if you go back to the classroom, it should be in Austin TX
I think so too Dr. Beth Feger
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