I am worried about my little pupper Mitzie Mouse. She seems like she is having a hard time seeing. On walks she lets me lead, Zoey is always in front. This wasnt the case just a few months ago. Now, she follows, always behind, always seemingly unsure of herself. Her eyes are cloudy, so gray, not the syrupy brown eyes of her puppyhood. She flinches when you throw anything, ducks at the leash, all slightly slow, slightly off.
I am not sure why every so often this heart wrenching ache comes over me about her. I wonder how long I will get to keep her, how empty life will be without her. My whole adult life has been experienced with that dog. She has traveled the world and gotten a PhD. Is Zoey good for her? Sometimes I wonder if Zoey has taken all the attention, all the frisky time. Now, if Mitz gets frisky, Zoey cant stand it and has to try to play with her. Of course, Mouser hates it, stops and snaps. I think I need to get her checked out, just because. It must be time for my nerves to be put at ease.
She has literally slept all day, only going on a walk around the block and a trip outside this morning. She holds it all day, sleeping. She just came up to give me night-night loveys. I love her like my child. I do.
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