Okay, in regards to work:
One professor, I'll call Scraggley: She is the biggest baby, a loner, and someone who I also, do not care to work with. You know, she was my mentor? Ha! Every time I talk to her about the reading dept., she changes the subject and we end up talking about her (and my) animals. She is not a team player and runs to her daddy (boss boy) for counsel. Aren't we old enough to be professional and talk to the ones who we have the issue with. This 3321 issue (alignment etc) was strike three for me. She is NOT a reading professor! Seriously, if she doesnt want to align practices and make the dept. better, then she doesnt belong with us. Im done with her. She is invisible.
As for the office spaces: If they start building with all my shit in there and dust starts flying, Im protesting and getting a doctor's note for my allergies and any other possible condition dust can cause. Of course, the compensation will be hard to get...It takes friggin months for reinbursement for anything, you know.
Speaking of compensation: I HATE the way money works around here. Now, I am just going to put this out there. I am single which means there is one income in this household. Now, that means that by the time I pay my house, school loans, medical (from cancer long ago), cable, electric, and credit card, there is nothing much left. So, taking 2 months (which is very normal) is too long. I hold it on my credit card and get fees. I bet the fees Ive racked up are equal to the money Ive received from the university. I think it is single people prejudice. I do, I really do.
As per Boss Boy: He doesnt like me-and truthfully, I think he is an idiot. I wont work on the PDAI with him, and I hate that he is head of anything. What the hell does he do all day? He prolly wants that fucking closed in office so he can hide easier, keep his stacks messier, and segregate more from those who attempt to hold him accountable.
Funny to mention the idea of minutes, as I mentioned it to him in the travel meeting.
Jen: You know, Jim, this is a lot of info. Are we reporting it in the faculty meeting.
Boss Boy: Yes.
Jen: WE should take minutes in our committees, that way we can remember all of it and report during the big faculty meeting. Should I take notes?
Boss Boy: I'll tell everyone.
Jen: (writing anyway)
Boss Boy: Divine, can I have your notes to be sure and remember it all for the faculty meeting.
Jen: No.
So, my question is: Did we hear about travel? Did we get numbers? Does Jim know how much we are spending? He signed off on 5,000$ for one professor and so far, 2,000 on me. Dumbass.
Ebough about work. the real story here is that my baby dog, Mitzie Mouser, 13 years old was bitten and shaken at the ghetto dog park we USED to go to down by work. She has a sprained neck, bad bite wound, and a cornea scratch. Fuck pit bulls and German Shepherds. One picked her up from under the picnic table where she was resting in the shade, dragged her, and shook her back and forth like a rag doll. We were both shaking. Please send love to her in your thoughts. I cant lose her, I just cant.I ran over, grabbed her shaking body and began stroking her with which she winced and cried. We both have cried. After the money at the emergency vet for antibiotics, pain, xrays, blood work, and visit, we are both sad and depressed. What a week, what a fucked up week.
This week has got to be better. I am observing student teachers tomorrow morning and then working some...Ill be home early to check on the Mouse. I feel bad leaving her for any length of time. My sweet, sweet girl. Even Zoey knows something is wrong. I caught Zoe licking Mitzie's back (where the bite was)earlier. Now Mouser is in her UT shirt which covers the owie.
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