So, I just got home from a 12 hour work day and the house was full of the heavy aroma of shit. Little Zoey Scooter was left in my bedroom, door shut but able to roam inside freely. Why was she free? Because I felt bad about having her in her little kennel for 12 hours. So, I left her out. When I came home, Mouser was happy and jumpy and excited. She seemed her old self (no pun intended) until I asked her if she wanted to go get Zoey. She looked at me like, "No, not really." Opening the door, there was Zoey, tangled in my bra (which was hanging on the door nob). She had it hooked on her all day and proceeded to shit and walk in it all day, back and forth. It was a shit tornado. She had to have a bath it was so bad. I think I am done. Mitz is upset, Carmencita is ready to pack and move out, and I am tired. I think she is going to go stay a bit with Aunt Loretta and see if she can help us. Otherwise, I think I will have to let her go. I think I will cry if I have to. Is sending her to Aunt Wretta like sending an unruly child to her dad?
Work is busy-too busy. Im overwhelmed and trying hard and I am afraid by the time I get to my 17pm-10pm class, my neurons aren't firing and I am mush. I didn do a very good job tonight, even though I was ready, had read, and planned.
Lastly, I am adding some pictures of the dog and my house...There you go Mom!
Hey Dr. Wilson, sorry but I have to laugh nervously that is my worst fear, comming home to a poo poo party. As it is Buster is slowly deconstructing my home by chewing on anything he can get his teeth on. Ah the puppy years. Anyway I wanted to comment because you thought you didn't do a good job the other night and I thought it was a great class. Lots of good information that I can use to pass the dreaded test. Also I feel like a total looser because I had shown up to clss at 4pm because I forgot our class started at 7pm. Have a margarita tonight and relax. Peace out
Don't worry about class... technology has a mind of its own. Everyone is mush after being at work all day, taking care of our family, or both. I doubt that 7-10pm is an optimal time for learning, so we all do the best we can.
Butch says hello and still goes to Loretta's window, but it's now occupied by a mini-schnauzer who doesn't like him. James came back and left again, in a hurry, while I was in New York. Who Knows. But thank you to the spirit of the universe he left. Your academic life reads as pretty much the academic life of myself and everyone I know. I'm reading from my work on Monday at Austin Java. What does "Peace out" mean? I'd rather have "peace in," wouldn't you? And sometimes I do, don't you. The clouds in the sky being sucked north after the hurricane didn't hit us, the breeze gently pushing through the crepe myrtle and lugustrum outside the corroding wooden walkway we have. Deepak Chopra has an article out on Sarah Palin, a Jungian analysis. She's Obama's shadow, allowing America to express its rage and racism through her now that racism and class rage are no longer socially acceptable. I'm learning Spanish slowly--Madrid, Barcelona, or Buenas Aires, here I come! Patrick Collins
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