Well, days continue to roll on, continue to move at the speed of light and at the pace of a snail. Life is such an oxymoron.
Im teaching 6 courses right now, 2 sections of an undergraduate assessment and remediation course, a graduate assessment and remediation course, a graduate theories and processes of reading course, an adolescent development course and a course full of independent studies. I think I made about 20 syllabi and am meeting students until the cows come home. BUT, hopefully I will be able to pay off my loans this semester and start saving for a car.
The biggest news is that grandma fell and broke her back about 3 weeks ago. The saddest thing ever. The worst thing was I was there when she fell and we just hoisted her up and she walked around for a couple days before it became clear she wasn't okay. After several back surgeries in her life, this newfound break is really not good, not even counting the fact that she is 94. She has been on her back for over a week now and has developed fluid around her lungs, prolly from laying down all the time. Im so scared that I am about to lose my favorite person in the world. Grandpa, Mitzie, and now Grandma, my favoritist people in the whole world are leaving me one by one. Im going up there on Friday after my mandatory meetings.