She certainly is a trooper. The eating is up and down. We happen to be in a down right now; she hasnt eaten much in two days, a bit here and there, but not much. She is really skinny looking-no fat at all on her spine or her back hippers. She wears a shirt most of the time because the hair on her back is so thin. Right now though, she is also struggling with her sight and hearing. Sometimes she gets turned around and will just stand and pant. She seems lost. Others, I find her laying in an odd place, facing towards the wall for example, and I just know she couldn't find her bed and was discombobulated in the room. Recently her hearing has gotten so bad that when I call her, she looks the wrong way or doesnt recognize the sound at all.
The roles seem somewhat reversed as Zoey is now telling Mitz if it is a good thing and she should turn circles or not a good thing, a tails should go down. All I can say is Mitz taught Zoey everything she knows! Tonight Mitzie was so turned around on her late night walk that she stopped walking and wanted me to carry her. Those that know her know she NEVER lets me carry her on a walk. It was a bit disconcerting. It must be incredibly scary to lose your sight and hearing while your body falls apart as well.
My poor baby girl. She needs prayers. Heck, I need them about her too. I keep telling myself that all I can do is love her today and be happy that she is here with me today. I live with her by those words, but, it is too hard sometimes. Tonight, after fighting her to eat a piece of string cheese and about 1/4cup of dry food, I am sad and distraught about her, about those old creatures in my life. It is too hard tonight, right now. Hopefully, in the light it will be better tomorrow. Im sure she will have a hankerin' for Gerbers Graduates then. Poor Mouser, my baby Mouser.